There is a SECRET About Bill and Hillary Clinton’s Marriage that Has Just WENT VIRAL
The D.C. power couple known as Bill and Hillary Clinton have been married since 1975, and of course they have a daughter named Chelsea. It goes without saying that this couple has been involved in politics for a very long time, and this extends back to their time in Little Rock as well. They have been involved in at least four different national elections: 1992, 1996, 2008, and 2016. Besides all that, their lives have been filled to the brim with scandals. Indeed, people continue to talk about this couple, simply due in part to the fact that they seem to collect scandals like some people collect postage stamps.
Bill Clinton first made his mark in Little Rock as the attorney general, and it wasn’t too long after that and we started seeing the first scandals crop up as well. There were many rumors of an affair from a woman named Gennifer Flowers that actually lasted longer than some marriages! When you couple that with the numerous allegations of sexual harassment that he had, you can see how this was a ticking time bomb. These scandals continued to dog Bill Clinton throughout the presidential election of 1992 and even though he continually denied it, President Clinton finally admitted to it in 1998.
If that wasn’t enough, there would be another scandal to follow almost immediately after that admission. As many of you who have followed the Clinton years already know, Bill had an affair with Monica Lewinsky that actually resulted in a congressional hearing! Lewinsky claimed that she had been having an affair with the President while she was simply just an intern in the White House. Moreover, she also claimed that the encountered had occurred almost three years prior to that, in 1995. Bill’s indiscretions were definitely coming home to roost in a nasty way. However, this tremendous scandal also involved several other White House employees, including Ken Starr and Linda Tripp, who became fairly well-known herself for tape-recording the conversations she had with Monica Lewinsky regarding the affair. Of course, Clinton would eventually admit to the affair with that infamous “it depends on what the definition of ‘is’, is.” What he was saying is that his definition of sexual intimacy was different than other people. Naturally, this ultimately meant that he only had engaged in the act of oral sex with Monica Lewinsky, and he didn’t think it was big of a deal.
However, there is now a former Clinton employee who is coming forward and attempting to shed more light on these situations. Mark Penn worked as a pollster for Bill Clinton in the 1990’s during his term as president. He also worked as chief strategist for Hillary Clinton during her ill-fated 2016 run. Penn is now coming out with a brand-new book that he has titled, “MicroTrends Squared: The New Small Forces Driving Today’s Big Disruptions” and he decides to dive deeper into the private information about the Clinton marriage.
Here’s where it gets juicy: apparently Mark Penn claims in his book that Hillary knows full well about all of her husband’s dalliances, but she doesn’t care. Let me rephrase that for you: she. just. doesn’t. care. In a nutshell, Mark Penn claims in his book that the Clintons have, at the very least, “a one-way open marriage.” Penn also goes on to bash the campaign of Hillary during the last election, and ends up comparing the Clinton situation to a ficitional political couple in the drama “House of Cards.” Penn claims that Bill and Hillary Clinton are just like that fictional First Couple called Frank and Claire Underwood, in that they both have numerous sexual partners, but only one of them will stay at the White House.
Of course, it is difficult for anyone to verify any of these types of facts, simply because it is all speculation unless you are the ones involved in the marriage. You will encounter difficulty simply because, “who are you to encounter anyone else’s marriage?” Marriages are definitely relative these days, and it isn’t really our place to judge. However, what would be wrong be sexual harrassment, and that is something that Bill Clinton has allegedly done on a regular basis.
In the day and age of the #MeToo movement, we absolutely are seeing more and more women coming forward with their creepy stories and experiences regarding sexual harrassment. There is no question that the #MeToo movement has made great strides in this area, but there is a lot more progress that needs to be made. While we no longer have to worry about our daughters, wives, sisters, and the other women in our lives having to keep their mouths shut for fear of being retaliated against, we also will often see them get into a situation where things can get muddled. For example, what of a consensual relationship where one partner goes too far and then they decide to use it against the other person? These types of situations definitely take away from the validity of all women who have been victims of assault. It can certainly be a fine line, but women need to be absolutely careful of their conduct as well just as much as men do. However, either way you look at it, there is no question that the Clintons are political animals and Hillary will always put up with Bill simply because these two are about as narcissistic as they come. We know that for sure.