Woman Shopping at Wal-Mart Gets Her Wallet Snatched, But Good Samaritan DRILL SERGEANT Shows Him WHO’S BOSS!

Police recently reported that there was a wallet snatcher on the loose at a New Hampshire Walmart. However, he was stopped by a Good Samaritan, and not just any Good Samaritan. The man who stopped him was one of AMERICA’S FINEST, a drill sergeant as a matter of fact.
According to the police report, a 51-year-old woman was browsing at holiday cards at about 5 p.m. An unkempt man walked by her and immediately grabbed her wallet out of her purse that she had placed on the top portion of her shopping cart.
The woman started following him, and she yelled, “That man has my wallet! Stop him!”
That is when 45-year-old Richard White sprang to action. He heard the woman shouting and saw the running suspect. He chased after him and grabbed his arm, eventually pinning him down and detaining him until authorities could arrive. Manchester police officers later arrived on the scene and promptly arrested the man.

The police later identified the purse snatcher as 24-year-old Alan White, a local homeless man. They arrested him and charged him with theft and providing false information because he lied about his identity.
“We would like to remind everyone, please do not leave your purses unattended when you are shopping,” the police said in their statement. “If you carry your purse on your person, you can make yourself less likely to be a target from a purse or wallet snatcher.”
I guess it’s a good thing that drill sergeant was at Walmart that day. This petty thief wouldn’t last FIVE MINUTES in the armed forces. HOO-RAH!

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