Traveling Overseas? Be Careful What Medications You Pack in Your Luggage!
While it might be fun to travel, at the same time it can also be very stressful at the same time. You get completely ready to go, get out to the door, and then get all the way to the airport, and viola! come to find out you forget to pack something very important! However, when it comes to overseas travel that is the least of your worries. When it comes to packing various medications, you will definitely need to be aware of some of the local laws of your destination. Simply put, what is legal in the United States might be illegal in another jurisdiction.
First of all, you should take a long, hard look at some of the requirements that the country you are traveling to has on various drugs. Better safe than sorry. You sure wouldn’t want to spend your vacation in an overseas prison. Knowledge is power, so here are some examples of countries that outright ban some of your everyday American medication:
First of all, while there is no question that the United Arab Emirates is a popular tourist destination, they currently have a ban on anything with codeine or tramadol in it. Thus, if you want to enjoy their amazing beaches or their unique night life, make sure that you leave anything with these ingredients at home and do not include with your luggage. Otherwise, customs just might decide to put you in a UAE prison.
In Japan, anything with a pseudoephedrine ingredient is illegal. That means that if you try to bring things such as Vicks or Sudafed you might encounter some difficulties with the authorities.
Singapore has similar laws. For example, they have outlawed sleeping pills and anti-anxiety medications. If you have difficulty sleeping and want to go to Singapore, be aware that you might be in for some rough evenings.
Finally, in Indonesia, you will not be able to bring such things as ADHD medication. Although not all of these medications are outright illegal, most of them are, so it is best for you to leave these at home when you visit this unique country.
Of course, there is another wrinkle to all of this as well. There are some countries that don’t have a problem with you bringing various prescriptions and medications across their borders, but they have specific requirements that you might abide by.
For example, in Costa Rica, it is perfectly fine for you to bring medication across their borders, but you would do well not to bring more than what you need. Thus, one good idea, if you are considering visiting Costa Rica soon, is to not only bring your medication but to also include a handy pill sorter that you can get at any Walmart or pharmacy.
If you go to China, you will be required to include a doctor’s note with you if you have to bring some medication with you. In Qatar, you will need to have a prescription even for over-the-counter medications such as cough and cold remedies. You will need to have these things because Qatar officials consider these items to be controlled substances.
In conclusion, please be aware that there is absolutely nothing wrong with traveling. Have at it. Just be sure that you are aware of some of the local laws in the new jurisdiction that you are visiting. At the very minimum, you should look up some of the laws and regulations regarding any medications you might be taking. If you want to go even further, there is nothing wrong with talking to a pharmacist regarding any medication concerns you might have if you are considering an overseas trip. It is definitely better to be safe than sorry.
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